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Old 09-19-2007, 07:51 PM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Casino Gambling Web Delivers 435 Packets to Congress


I am only suggesting that we are FOR poker and not AGAINST anything else in gaming. But that we can't be seen as 100% allies of those other interests whose goals do overlap some of our own. As long as we are seen to only promote poker, and specifically make the point that such is all we are promoting (and why poker/skill games are in fact different), then we should be seen as separate in the minds of congressman, who otherwise would indeed be inclined to lump poker in with all other forms of gambling.

Now that doesn't mean that I don't think it wise/important to ally ourselves in the judicial arena. But just that in the legislative arena we cannot afford to do so. However it seems you basically agree and I thank you for your response. However I would caution against our allowing ourselves to be drug into alliances with those sports/casino interests, which is what CGW desires, as do the sports betting interests. They are in the worst shape in all of this and gain a lot from our pitching in with them, where we not only gain nothing but are positively harmed.

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Yes, we're basically in agreement there. I don't want to entangle poker and -EV gambling.

As for CGW, we have a common interest in opposing UIGEA. They set up an online petition against UIGEA. I posted something here about it. They posted here thanking us for the help. Most of us here signed it. And, they delivered packets as promised. Sounds very cool to me. Also, IGREA includes them and us, so their folks and our folks are likely lobbying Congress the same way. Common work when we have common ground while maintaining independence.
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