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Old 09-19-2007, 05:15 PM
jzpiano jzpiano is offline
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Default Re: Should Vice Principal Lose Her Job? - (*Warning-Gruesome topic\")

Thinking about this more I'm really leaning towards of the side of she knew about this, but just didn't care and therefore should be punished. My reasoning is as follows, but let me preface it by saying that I do not have children, so I'm not speaking from experience, but rather my own instincts/feelings.

I assume like 99% of other working adults with children, she probably has a picture of them on her desk. Therefore at any point she is at her desk she should see the picture of her children and be reminded of them. Even if she isn't at her desk, I'm sure most parents think about their kids often during the day (or so I'm told). Therefore, when she thought of her children, shouldn't it have occurred to her that she left one of them in the car! This is much like leaving your keys in the car and saying oh [censored], i forgot my keys, during the middle of the day or insert another example here.

I just think this whole thing is a load of crap and that saying this is a forgivable accident in the eyes of society is a bunch of bull. And then letting her return to her job with a bunch of children, as an educator, don't even get me started on that.
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