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Old 09-19-2007, 02:52 PM
ahnuld ahnuld is offline
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Default Re: A trend I want to kick... (poker content but life application)

I make sure to always be ahead of the class readings. For example, normally in the course outlines it will say we are covering subject blah blah next class (chapters 2,3). So ill make sure to read those chapters the day before (or earlier). Unless you are taking a reduced course load you should be reading a chapter or two every night if you decide to keep up. So do that, take care of assignments when you can, and play cards only after. I cant tell you an exact amount of time necessary to study. Normally in midterm or finals season im in the library 12 hours a day (sometimes for 4 weeks straight) and dont play any cards at all. You just need to figure out how much work is required to get an A and make sure you do that for every course.
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