Thread: Wal-Mart
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Old 09-19-2007, 01:33 PM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: Wal-Mart

Mattsey 9:

I live in Los Angeles, and what I described is happening here. I am also led to understand that the union has an entrance fee and union dues that are IMO, through the roof. Albeit, there are connections to working better paying jobs. But I am only talking about my own observations.

Do you pay yearly dues? And did you have to pay an entrance fee. I think that these dues would probably push your fees into the thousands.

You do have a good argument. I cannot dispute anything you say, as I do understand you and do agree with your thinking. You are more republican-minded than most pro-union spout-stacks.

Also. I would like to annotate that I have mistaken the name of AFI. It should be AVI, and that the Dockworker's union is supposed to be the LongShorman's Union.

I think that you would smile to know what is happening to the truck drivers. Technically, they are not "owner operators," they are "independent contractors." The companies actually own the trucks,and the drivers rent. Legislation is being pushed to stop classifying them as owner operators. They will be full-time employees. The companies will be required to fix the trucks to environmental code. The workers salaries will at least double. The only downside to this is that the illegal immigrants will lose their jobs driving. This is of coarse, without the use of unions.
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