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Old 09-19-2007, 12:31 PM
Hince Hince is offline
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Default Re: Probably standard, JJ in 3-bet pot OOP

I usually bet the flop against a guy who isn't floating. The reason is that I'm OOP and I really don't like the flop. It makes the hand easier to play.

It might not be the most +EV play on paper because he's not calling with worse and we don't give him a chance to bluff. But I think it is more +EV for me because I am less likely to make a mistake.

If he is floating, I will either double barrel, or check and bet a lot of turns. Although check calling is probably fine too.

As played, you are probably good often enough to call this, but if he cabable of shoving the river as a bluff and you don't know if you can call, I kinda like a min raise on the turn.

It looks strong without putting all your money in the pot, and he will have a very difficult time continuing unless he has you crushed. It also prevents you from having a tough call on the river when he is bluffing some % of the time.
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