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Old 09-19-2007, 11:54 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: So long OOT, I\'m converting to Kemet

I'm surprised you took so long to get on the Kemet train, bison. All of us have been believers for years. The first edition of Theory of Poker was written in heiroglyphs; Sklansky didn't write it, he just translated it. If Mason hadn't insisted on it being published in English over Sklansky's strenuous objections, you would never have even heard of 2+2.

By the way, you don't think "Mason" is Malmuth's real first name, do you? It's just the title that modern-day inheritors of the tradition have called themselves. Malmuth only has one name, and was named for an ancient Egyptian diety. I'm not sure who Mason Sklansky was named after.
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