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Old 09-19-2007, 10:55 AM
memoryzero memoryzero is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Boston Ma
Posts: 58
Default Re: Patriots get caught with camera man taping NY Jets coaches playcal

and then the guy that gets me banned PM's me this morning lol. Dont insult the Colts or his beloved Peyton Manning fan club.

Boston > Minnesota

oh and in big games and Superbowl wins (last time I checked)

Patriots 3
Colts 1 (A gift from the League)

"Dude, you didn't get temp-banned because "i reported you". You got a two day break because you made things personal and made a bunch of stupid insults. If you can control that little temper of yours and refrain from reducing your arguments to personal insults, you'll survive. If not, that's a shame.

I must say, I like knowing that I'm so far under your skin that the first thing you do when you get back is whine and cry about getting the 2-day suspension. That's right, memoryzero, it was all me, and had nothing to do with your ridiculous, content-zero posts"
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