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Old 09-19-2007, 10:34 AM
Splendour Splendour is offline
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Default Re: God gets sued (no content)

Lestat asks: Do you really think Jesus was executed over God? Or was He executed for His teachings, which were considered blasphemous by many. I'm not saying He should've been executed and certainly not in the manner He was, but put yourself in their shoes...

If you read the bible and look at the history of the times I think you will see Jesus was caught between 2 groups (the Romans represented by Pilate and the Jews represented by Herod/the Sanhedrin) both with their own political agenda...He was perceived as representing a threat to both groups so they ignored his message and crucified him...This is one of the main themes of Christianity...the spiritual being trampled by the secular...Its also where the Jews and Chrisitans divide...Christians say he is the Messiah and that the Jews missed him looking for a Messiah with earthly rewards...
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