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Old 09-19-2007, 10:17 AM
Splendour Splendour is offline
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Default Re: God gets sued (no content)

from MidGe:
Been waiting for more than 2000 years and he still hasn't made it back! Highly unlikely he will now, imo! He obviously lost the appeal or, at best, the jury is still undecided!

Did you ever think that the world is a big place to save and it even takes time for God to get down on man's level to save everyone...He is still trying to round up his sheep...There are still alot of people in Asia that haven't heard of Jesus and there are remote parts of the world not easily accessible...tribal areas around New Guinea for example that are living under taboo religions while they live like cavemen that are only now starting to hear the Gospel..(there are still some really bad taboos among them and some of the tribes are cannibalistic)...Some parts of these islands are so isolated by mountains the people are still in the Stone Age, yet missionaries are trying to get in to them too...2000 years may be a lot to a person but its probably just the blink of an eye to God...
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