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Old 09-19-2007, 04:43 AM
bluef0x bluef0x is offline
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Default Re: Student Evaluations of Teachers

I use,, and before enrolling in courses. The main criteria is that the teacher doesn't flunk 50% of the class and isn't boring, since that will lead to missing a lot of class and basically daydreaming during the classes I do attend. I like to be engaged and interested.

I read all the comments on the teacher and I usually get a good feel of him/her. Most people are very honest on the reviews... you see a lot of "Tests are hard, but he's very fair. Gives out study guides, if you do the work- you'll be rewarded. Really learn a lot if you apply yourself." Basically full descriptions of the teacher. You can also weed out the awful reviews since they usually say "X IS A STUTTERING IDIOT THAT FAILS EVERYONE! ONE DAY HE CARRIED A BATTLEAXE IN ONE HAND AND AN EAGLE HEAD IN THE OTHER" (pretty sure that's exactly how one review was)

I've loved EVERY class since utilizing all 3 sites.

As for the evaluations, I find that they don't mean much. I usually fill in the bubbles and right a sentence on something that can be improved.
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