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Old 09-19-2007, 02:18 AM
Mcbrag Mcbrag is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 57
Default Re: Robert Jordan died.

Robert Jordan was my favorite author and he will be sorely missed.

I also enjoy GRRM's Song of Ice and Fire, but it, too, is dragging hard. This last book was difficult to get through because it introduced many many new characters none of whom were likable. This is only book 4 and it seems to me that it could continue indefinately much as RJ's work did.

For everyone who gave up on The Wheel of Time at books 8,9, and 10, you are missing out on a real treat with book 11. It seems to start to wrap things up. A lot of the baddies get their comeuppance and it seemed to be gaining steam towards Tarmon Gaidon. I agree that Heart of Winter was a hard read because the Perrin storyline is pretty boring and it seemed to dominate the book, but the Mat storyline picks up again in later books and we all love The Gambler.
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