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Old 09-18-2007, 06:20 PM
BeastFromTheEast BeastFromTheEast is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 14
Default 4th grade math level good for NLHE? Is this a bit of an exaggeration?

This really can't be true can it? The reason I ask is, my math skills leave much to be desired and I consider it to be one of the weaker aspects of my game. If I'm relatively unadvanced with math is a book like, "The Mathmatics of Poker" going to help me? I understand the words clear as day, but all those algerbraic symbols look like hyroglphics to me sometimes.

If this leads you to to wonder, if I'm deficient in mathmatics, why would I try to tackle a game so dependant on numbers? For me it was the mental warfare that is inherint in competitive games. I hate to lose but, I love the threat of losing if I don't play my best game. Also, I seem to have a knack for picking up on peoples tendancies, not just in poker, but in real life. I can usually tell when someones full of it or if they're sincere. I'm an exelent recognizer of patterns, which seems to help my reads. My mind is always busy trying to figure the best way of doing things and why things happen the way they do. Are there people in poker who exhibit these traits of mathmatical weakness who've succeeded or am I destined to play break even because of this?

Incedently just playing so many hands in the past months, along with a lot of reading, studying, joining CR and this forum have helped volumes.
Any hope for a donkey of math?
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