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Old 09-18-2007, 05:44 PM
AZK AZK is offline
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Default Re: CrossFit Certification--Trip Report

Do you do any type of strength work in addition to CF? like Cf/Me/CF/break rinse repeat?

What was your working out background before totally drinking the koolaid?

What really got you into it? I've had a few sips and it looks like a fantastic program in theory, and I've learned a [censored] ton about fitness/eating/etc from that site, but I'm still more interested in getting stronger before I start really crossfitting. I already know I will have to scale down all the conditioning/endurance work, I'd like to not have to scale down the me days too... I know this sounds probably somewhat illogical, but my goal is to get strong/ripped/down to 10% bf or so, with comfortable lifting numbers for me...namely a 1.5xbw bench, a 2xbw squat, 2.5xbw dl, weighted pull ups, and then from there go on to CF in the hopes that it will keep me in that shape and improve some of my major weaknesses...aka anything endurance/conditioning based... I realize it will probably be like 8 months if not a year before I jump to CF... depending on how things go I might just get into it sooner... when I have more time I also planned on taking some of their classes to improve my cleaning/snatching/jerks/ohs/fs/etc... Thats another thing holding me back...I don't trust my form/ability in these exercises and I have no one around here to really teach me. The other thing holding me back is lack of certain accessories for CF workouts... i.e. muscle up rings... At some point in my life I can see myself building my own gym so this won't be an issue forever.

I like the idea of a program that works you out for functional movements, it's what attracted me in the first place...
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