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Old 09-18-2007, 05:03 PM
hitch1978 hitch1978 is offline
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Default Re: The Most Important Thing In The World Right Now

Personally I couldn't care less.

I live in the UK and there is a similar (in a lot of way, not similar in just as many) story here, I'll mention iit in case you know of it. A family called the McCannes (Spelling?) are on the front page of every paper, and have been for weeks over whether or not they killed their child, or whether she was abducted.

EVERYBODY cares, and EVERYBODY has an opinion.

At the risk of sounding holier than though, (I am not a great speller sorry.) I do not care.

My wife asked me what I thought and I said 'I don't have an opinion, the papers will guide your opinion if you let them, and depending upon which source you get your news from will determine your opinion.' This is the crux of the issue I believe.

I care very deeply for the missing girl, she is a similar age to my daughter, but I simply feel that whatever happened, she is a terribly unfortunate little girl and deserves uor pity and our prayers. (I am an athiest, so the definition of the word prayers I am obviously not using correctly, but you get the point). That is the limit of my emotional involvement in the 'story'.

Feeling any way about the perpetrator, or suspect of a crime to satisfy some sense of media driven morality is both wrong and hollow IMHO. We should choose the things we decide to spend our emotional energy on carefully as it is a finite resource and one with which much good is possible.
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