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Old 09-18-2007, 12:26 PM
Sushiglutton Sushiglutton is offline
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Default Re: A software I would love to have

If this software existed it would mean that someone could have a great NL Bot. As far as I'm concerned, there exist no no-limit bots, the AI involved is currently beyond human understand/software/computing powers

The problem with your analysis is that a villian's betting/checking strategy would rely far to heavily on his read/perception of the hero, so perhaps after an extend hand history you could begin to understand the tendencies of the hero, however then you must take into consideration how much is the villian really paying attention, essentially your creating an AI person to play against.


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I think I'm talking about a simpler program than u think. First of all it doesn't make any reads. We estimate the strategy based on what's 'normal' for the type of player we have seen. It will be rough but better than guessing blind.

Second this sofware won't tell u anything about how often u need to mix up ur play. It won't teach how to play perfect according to game-theory. You just estimate ur opps strategy and it crunch the numbers, calculating EV for different lines on different turn/river cards. So it's not an AI at all. Just as poker-stove isn't an AI.

This would just be an analyzing tool, helping u off the table.
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