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Old 09-18-2007, 10:33 AM
mjkidd mjkidd is offline
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Default Re: University of Florida student Tasered at Kerry forum

This really bugs me...rental cops acting like total douchebags. I have no idea where free speach has gone in America..from Sally Field getting bleeped over nothing to this kid getting tazered and arrested over a comment?? Thank god I live in a democratic society that allows true freedoms. The States have handed to much over to private groups be it rental cops or service men that think there $10/hour donkeys are the law it's total BS and young american's should be outraged over incidents like this IMO.

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Kid was asked to leave, would not, rental cops escorted him out, he resisted. It seems like a pretty clear-cut instance of justifiable (and hilarious) tasering.
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