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Old 09-18-2007, 01:25 AM
nubs nubs is offline
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Location: Glenwood Springs, CO
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Default Re: scared of being nice to kids -

I recently got a new job and moved to a new town. The job started 3 weeks before my lease so my boss offered to let me stay at his place. One of the first evenings I was there I was jumping on his trampoline when the boss's 5 year old son got on and joined me. Not long after that the boy seemed insistent on showing me his new scooby doo underwear. I was terrified the boy would pull down his pants as his father was walking out to the backyard. Luckily I was able to shift the kids attention to something else. A couple days later he was running amock throughout the house and back yard stark naked and my fears were proven unfounded. However in a new city with a new job at the bosses place with his 5 year old kid I was terrified as it happened.
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