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Old 09-17-2007, 04:48 PM
fnurt fnurt is offline
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Default Re: murskansky or however u spell it--the new atty general

Maybe Im not a lawyer, but shouldn't fighting the "war on terror" be done by Homeland Security and DoD? Id think the DoJ is around to deal with crap like porn and gambling and corruption and international crime? Sure, there may be some terror elements, but it should be a small part of what DoJ does.

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I think the Pentagon should pretty much be in charge of invading countries and the DoJ should pretty much be in charge of deciding what to do with people we arrest.

Most of what we do in the "war on terror" is intelligence and police work. These things need to happen within some sort of legal framework.

Yeah, Gonzales pretty much left all the complicated legal crap for other people to worry about, but he's not really my model for an Attorney General.

It's a side point anyway. I really don't see this guy, a well-respected retired judge with a generous pension, accepting the position of Attorney General with a year left in Bush's term just so he can shut down some porn shops. I can't see online gambling being high on his list of priorities.
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