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Old 09-17-2007, 03:17 PM
27offsuit 27offsuit is offline
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Default Heard a great story from the 10-25NL at Foxwoods...

Friend of mine is a dealer at Foxwoods and relates this story to me. Happened a week or two ago...

10-25NL table, a bouncer from a strip club(big white kid in his 20's) is in a hand against a 40-ish guy.
They get it all in and 40-ish guy has a bigger boat than the bouncer dude.
Bouncer dude rivers quads for and 18K pot. He stands up, acting a little happy, but really isn't being a douchebag.

40ish dude he was in the hand with is sitting across the table from him and starts berating him, talking [censored], and then says some comment about his mother...

Bouncer dude calmly says (paraphrasing)"Listen, it's never wise to bring someones mother into it, because you never know what you're walking in to. Take me for example. My mother died a month ago, so saying something like that could really get you in trouble, but I understand you just lost a big pot so I'm going to let it go, but please don't do it again.."

Before he is even done talking, the 40ish guys says "Well [censored] you AND your mother..."

**At this point, I need to describe the chairs in the poker room. They are VERY heavy, made of solid metal. They have a handle built in to the back of the chair and at each leg there is a big steel disk at the bottom that helps them keep a good base as well as slide across the carpet. In short, these [censored] are HEAVY.**

Well, before the guy gets "...mother" out of his mouth, the bouncer dude reaches behind his right, grabs the chair by the handle, and in one swift motion flips it over his shoulder and rockets it across the table and hits the guy square in the face, knocking him out cold. I mean, just square in the face...

Security comes.....bouncer tells them 'guys, don't even think about touching me'...

Next the black suits get 12-13 of them.

They start dragging the bouncer up the main stair, three and four to a limb, with his buddy following behind with his chips. The bouncer is not really fighting them, just not letting them have their way with him. He's making them work for it. He eventually leaves and is perma-banned.

Bouncers friend later tells dealer: He told me later he let them remove him. Had he wanted, he could have messed up most all of them, but he knew the next step would be the Staties, so he let himself be removed.

The 40ish guy woke up a few minutes later, but didn't get much sympathy from the table...

Did anyone witness this?

Moral of the story: Leave Moms out of it.
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