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Old 09-17-2007, 01:23 PM
Lanzalot Lanzalot is offline
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Default Re: scared of being nice to kids -

I'm a mid-twenties, married guy, living in a nice neighborhood with a lot of kids and about two blocks from an elementary school. Our mailbox is a little bit down the street from our house and I like to take my dogs for a little walk to get the mail.

One day, I was walking my dog, he was still a little puppy, and a little girl was playing in her front yard with her dog. I was walking by with my puppy, she was all "puppy!" so I stopped to let her pet my dog. Her mom came running out and brought her inside like I was a child molester, didn't say a word to me, just came out and got her daughter and rushed back inside. We're practically neighbors. I was walking back to my house with my mail in my hand.

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Okay, you felt offended. Understandable. The mom's reaction is also 100% understandable and fine. DUCY?

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No, not understandable. Innappropriate to the level of threat posed and reflective of a mindset that sees all men as predators until proven otherwise. That isn't the kind of country we're supposed to live in.

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
Step out of line, the man come and take you away
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