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Old 09-17-2007, 10:41 AM
Carlson411 Carlson411 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 323
Default Re: Trip Report Caesar\'s AC, NJ.

Just me running my mouth again

Notice a couple of things of 1/2 NL play.

-Noticed that I pay attention a lot more than before. I see things at a different level now. NL is not just a game of let me bet anything b/c I have a lot of money. You have to make a bunch of decisions based upon the physical info and betting patterns of your players. I'm doing much better with that.

- People, especially some old people are very quick to make a decision and how can you in NL? NL is not like limit hold'em and these guys were treating it like that. They were thinking "I just won $50 last hand. I can gamble this money." Once you let people like me know that and actualy state that out loud I will take advantage of you. This is the difference between live and online I'm noticing. You can talk to people to get that info out of them very quickly. People's physical movements also gave that away. I'm counting odds and watching out for my position too. However, I still need help with pot equity and implied odds, which I forget to think about

- Caesar's is not the place for limit hold'em. I think its looked down upon there. I was on the list for LHE for 1 hour and the floor just automatically removed me b/c nobody wanted to get the table going. NLH is the new generation of poker.

-Hopefully casinos will start spreading PLO since people like to gamble a lot. However, I think people would be broke very fast and would complain a lot more.

- I think 2/5 NL may be much harder in general or in Caesar's. The guys were on the table were deep nearly $1,000. I think I'll play that capped one day to a $500 buyin. Are those guys that much better though? The people were way younger than the 1/2 NL table. Ipods and all too.

- People who play live NL watch way to much TV and are living a fantasy. I laughed at the old man when he put on his glasses after he announced his $25 bet to me. That was funny. Not being a jerk, but we ain't ballin if we betting $25 on a flop now. No need for the James Bond sunglasses,lol(don't take me wrong. I love James Bond movies too).

- I would like to play more NL live and maybe the tournys too, but I like internet 2/4 limit and still building a bankroll. Maybe I should build a nice solid roll and switch to 1/2 or 2/5 NL live? I'd probably have to build up $4,000-10,000 correct? While this is a huge range I can probably get this in a month or two playing online. Not a problem.

-Playing for 5 hours straight to make $250 isn't that bad. If I stayed I could have made some more probably.
- I can get my fiancee to stop bothering me about playing poker if I get her to come with me to Caesars, AC. She liked the shopping. I'll hear less complaining in my ear about me gambling too.

Internet vs Live. There's a lot of good players on the internet. Playing with them will help you get better. There's a whole lot of bad players live. That's +EV.

We get way more hands playing online. Live not that many. But guess what you can pull a bluff here and there too playing live.

- I'm not that bad playing poker. Have more confidence before, but not to much of an ego. Well unless you try to coach me. Coaching goes on a lot more live than online. I'm not sure why somebody would want to coach somebody else. You'll lose money in the long wrong giving away the correct way to play. Why do it?
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