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Old 09-17-2007, 10:25 AM
thing85 thing85 is offline
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Default Re: Win rates / # of tables

In the past few months, I've generally 9 tabled 50NL. I've had some success (maybe 5PTBB/100) but a recent downswing (~18 buy-ins, ouch) has prompted me to cut down on the amount of tables to about 5-6. I find that I'm thinking about each individual situation much better than when I 9-tabled, and over a small sample size, I think I'm seeing a decent improvement in my win rate.

It's amazing how many little mistakes you make playing a lot of tables, and they certainly add up. Forgetting to c-bet because you forgot you made a PFR, getting to the river and forgetting all the action that happened throughout the hand - these things ultimately take a toll on your win rate. I think it's still possible to play winning ABC poker on 9-12 tables, but you definitely miss out on marginal value spots and make mistakes that seem insignificant, but add up. I think it's nearly impossible to ever remember your table image or how you played your last hand vs. a random player when you're on 9-12 tables, up against 54-72 players at once.

With comfort and experience, however, I think playing 4-6 tables of winning poker is definitely possible.