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Old 09-17-2007, 10:08 AM
soah soah is offline
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Default Re: Why don\'t you turbo anymore?

I'm sure I am going to step on a lot of toes by saying this, but there's pressure now to play ww at OH's site since they put in all the work to design a special system for it, but personally I am content playing games here and the promise of cool features isn't enough to overcome the inconvenience of having to check a third party site for signups and gameplay. If games move over there then we will lose touch with the 2p2 base where new players are drawn from. This doesn't bode well for the long-term survival of the games, and I don't wish to segregate the POG community from the rest of 2p2 since I have pretty deep ties to this site which absolutely will not go away for a long time due to my dependence on poker for income.

Also, I'm just not as enthusiastic about playing a lot as I used to be, but I'd still like to play sometimes if they would run here.
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