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Old 09-17-2007, 09:05 AM
SellingtheDrama SellingtheDrama is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
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Default Re: Showboat 9/15 Donkament TR tl;dr w/cliff notes

I see it the same way you do - you made a deal and you honored it. The only thing you could have done differently was to say 'I'll discuss the chop once xxx is out or when we are x handed'. Generally though, once players start the chop talks, its pretty hard to derail them.

I had one chop happen (or almost happen) around me. Venetian similar buyin, much smaller tourney. We were three handed - I had about 1/4 of the chip leader's stack and 1/3 of the other guy's stack. They agree to split once I'm gone. Next two hands I double and redouble. Eventually I get one gone and the other down to near a single big blind. He jokingly asks about the chop again - I tell him (truthfully) that if we get near even in chips, I'll chop happily..otherwise not. He went broke the next hand and it was a moot point.
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