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Old 09-16-2007, 06:03 PM
damaniac damaniac is offline
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Default Re: Thank you for kicking the sh*t out of ND!

Yeah, I figure Les will go if offered. Coaches bolt all the time after saying "I have no interest in going"...and Miles said far less than that (mostly something like "we're not going to talk about that right now" which sure screams "I'm going" in coach-speak). I wouldn't be horrified by him but I'd rather we contact Tedford, Rodriguez, Schiano et al and go for them first. No idea if they'd be interested but it's a top job and Martin will open the checkbook if his past hires are an indication (Belein, extension for Maloney).

Upside on Miles is he's at least hired top assistants. That's Carr's damning fault, IMO: he's had crappy assistants his whole tenure. Bo had great assistants who went on to coach as successful head coaches. Lloyd's had DeBord (failed at CMU) and Brady Hoke at Ball State. Ugh.

On the upside (for me, not you) Michigan has been able to recruit very well nationally. New guy has to be able to keep that up.
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