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Old 09-16-2007, 11:13 AM
wdcbooks wdcbooks is offline
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Default Re: Beat: Absolute is *actually* rigged (serious) (read me)

I don't know if this is obvious to everyone else, but in thinking about how this would be different on Stars or Full Tilt, I realized that having pros attached to the site offers the player a degree of protection. Here we are, with a compelling case for cheating, and our only hope of getting someone to follow up is by convincing someone in Costa Rica, who may or may not be in on the scam, that there is something wrong.

By having a stable of endorsing pros you have a group of people who ostensibly understand probability, math and poker logic. Actions like this would destory value for pros who endorse a site and they would have a huge incentive to pressure the site for an explanation. We would also have a name and a face to go to as some form of recourse. I hardly think Mark Seif qualifies.

So if this was Stars we would ask Raymer to review the evidence, if Stars was unwilling, and he would be hard pressed to ignore it with his reputation on the line as well.