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Old 09-16-2007, 09:35 AM
PoliticalRefugee PoliticalRefugee is offline
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Default Re: How Soon Before????

so the rich and poor will turn into different species?

What on earth have you been smoking, I really think your idea of genetic engineering is way different from what we are close to now.

And genetically engineered athletes? Do you think that we'll be racing against 3 legged freaks and that the rich will be like designing babies like you create a character on the sims by 2008?

Also designer children are at the moment picked from embryos that are screened for certain characteristics I believe. We don't go I want a child with brown hair, 9% body fat and a scientist goes and "creates" it. Fertilized embryos are screened for preferable genes and then those embryos are chosen.

Not my specialist subject but I think you should try doing some research about this, you sound delusional.
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