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Old 09-16-2007, 06:49 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2006
Location: amerika
Posts: 370
Default Re: Beat: Absolute is *actually* rigged (serious) (read me)

well, until this is settled why dont we just post about it in the most popular 2p2 forums? hopefully p5s and the other sites will start talking about this too. we can all tell our friends and they can tell their friends. lets get the word out quick - some online poker players can see your cards. hopefully people will get scared to play online. then, we can finally get some nice layovers in donkaments m i rite???

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imo this thread should be deleted / in mod forum

its pretty much 100% that he cheats, we dont really need much more evidence. this is just going to cause gossip and get ppl scared n stuff

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I think adanthar made a big mistake by making this a public thread. People who got affected should discuss this situation privatly.

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As long as Adanthar is 100% sure there is cheating going on this is the correct move. If there is actually these superaccounts on AP there has to be more speculation about it around the internet and lot of more people who are affected by it then just couple 2+2ers. So when he posts the thread here all the info gets posted and people get better picture of the whole situation.