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Old 09-15-2007, 09:03 PM
pokeriseasy pokeriseasy is offline
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Default Re: Too thin value on river? NL1k

I wish villain bet closer to pot on the turn so we can just shove over his turn bet without it being too much of an overbet. These spots always annoy me, I'm almost positive he has 2pair or a set on the turn although he could have something like QcJc or QcTc but he's not calling a river bet with those hands. He's also not calling a bet with KQ.

I don't think a check is bad at all here. For those saying
"shove," what worse hand do we think he's calling with? Even if he has a hand like AT or AJ, it's a pretty tough call considering the turn raise when the A hits, pretty much saying "that A helped me more than it helped you."
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