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Old 09-15-2007, 07:57 PM
Bond18 Bond18 is offline
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Default What\'s with the no kids guilt trip?

One thing i've known about myself for a very long time is that i don't want kids. I'm still pretty young, so i'm willing to admit its in the realm of possibility that when i get older it "could" change, but its safe to say i wouldn't bet on it.

The only reason i say it could change is because i've come to understand over time anyone is willing to change their mind about most anything, but when it comes to what i want from my life I DON'T WANT KIDS. I don't even particularly like them. I respect that many people who say they became a parent was the best decision they ever made etc etc, and really, great for you, i'm happy you're happy.

However, whenever this somehow comes up in conversation and you tell people "no, i don't intend on ever being a father, its just not something want" most people look at you like told them your a murderer. Certainly you must be the most selfish person in the world to not want kids!

But it's my choice no? What's with the massive guilt trip here?
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