Thread: couple hands
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Old 09-15-2007, 05:26 PM
goofyballer goofyballer is offline
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Default Re: couple hands

some questions:
hand 1: I don't get 4 betting to around half our stack and then considering a fold on flop. Surely we're pot committed if we 4 bet and therefore may as well shove now. If I do have a full buy-in then 4 betting and getting shoved won't be fun because we're probably well behind. Won't a better option with AK if we're not shoving be just to call the 3 bet and THEN play some poker?

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Yeah, noticing your shortstack now, shoving really isn't all that bad even if it's a bit of an overbet, but I was talking less about this hand and more about the situation in general assuming 100bb stacks. In that case, you can call the 3bet, but there are problems that go with that:
- You get pushed off the best hand too often postflop
- It doesn't really combat his 3betting light against you
- You miss an opportunity to force him to make mistakes against your range; assuming you always 4b KK+ and AK in the same style, then him calling a 4b or shoving over it means he's running into a fairly big hand from you in general
- You have position postflop and can check behind unscary boards and try to push him off better hands on scaryish boards that you missed

hand3: against TAG player if I've made a standard bet it's a fold on flop isn't it?

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He's TAG but had 95o here? Hrm. I mean, you might have had him this time but his line is so weird and kinda screaming strength (but kinda not with the turn overbet, but still, what are you gonna put him on?) and your hand is marginal enough that even if you call him down you risk getting valuetowned by slightly less marginal aces.

The only reason that I wouldn't necessarily fold the flop is because your minbet is probably inducing raises some of the time. Folding the flop still isn't bad though.

hand4: surprised you think this is ok, isn't this a set more often than not? He had the nut straight in this hand.

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I just now noticed your reraise preflop is too short - pot-sized raise is to 11.5, and since you're OOP I'd go to about 13. The point of this is to discourage him from calling preflop with hands that would make sets on this board. And like I said, you don't have to shove here - it's kinda read-dependent and your play here depends a lot on how lightly you think villain is playing back at you. If the dude is a retarded LAGTAG then he can probably have ATs here, but some players are only gonna show up with like KK+ and sets, so that's a judgement you have to make.

Never really thought too much before about being so short. I normally buy in for about 60BB's - is it better to buy in for max and reload immediately if you drop below 50 or so? Is being below 50 a big disadvantage?

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Generally when you sit at a poker table, you should feel like you have an edge against the other players at the table (and if you don't, it's time to find a new table), and if you have an edge against other players, then you want to be able to win the maximum possible amount of money in any given hand. To do this, you have to have as much in your stack as possible. 95% of the players on this forum buy in for 100bbs (the other 5% are dirty shortstackers), and personally I rebuy anytime I lose a hand. I use Full Tilt Shortcuts which lets me middle-click anytime I want to reload, so if I put money into the pot and don't win that's an easy way to make sure I'm full-stacked again for the next hand.
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