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Old 09-15-2007, 02:11 PM
dynacraze dynacraze is offline
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Default Re: YEA

Hmmm, i can see why u hate Drew Carey as well. He looks like he has a bad side to him. BUt back to Laak

Phil Laak touches peoples money and cards but when someone did that to him, i think it was Jen Harman, he said something along the llines of "Don't ever touch my cards ever again" and had this really mean look on his face. Does anyone know when this occurred?

Phil Laak is such a tight ass that talks so loose. Anytime he loses 1 hand, its like the end of the world for him. I have joined the ranks of ppl who lost 20K with 27. Ohter guys did that but folded whne unsucesful. Laak on the other hand needs to show it that he lost. I LOVE it when this guy is in a hand and loses.

And look at what happened when he lost to Antonio with 22 vs Tonios QQ and folded. Gabe says hmmm Laak might think Anotion has 72. I DONT CARE IF LAAK THINKS ANTONIO WAS BLUFFING WITH 72. Laak definitely is bsing and we all know he doesnt have the balls to make a call. Then you guys saw how he said now i am going to take 3 months to win aagainst Antonio and say for 20,000 more.... i doubt it. Then curses and leaves the table.

He is such a LOOSE TALKING NIT. Then got the nerves to say 2500 dollars is grocery dollars when if he bets 2500, he takes it so seriously. I have some friends that are like this too. When i make bets, they say its nothing. Like if i make 300 dollar bets, they say its nothing. Yet when they spent 5 dollar on something... they go wow that a lot.

These are terrible people and i have some of these friends. They are mad cheap yet when you spend a lot, they say hey its nothing.
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