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Old 09-15-2007, 01:36 AM
pvn pvn is offline
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Default Re: How should a sociaty deal with drugs?

Societies don't act. Once you accept that, the answer should be fairly intuitive.

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Of course, stupid of me, if you were to deal with drugs in the current society, what would you wish and for what reasons?

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I have no idea how to "deal with drugs in the current society". I don't interact with "society" I interact with people. This question makes no more sense to me then asking me how I would deal with golf equipment in the current society.

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We've been over this, when a group of people act with a common goal, it's a semantic argument to say either "a bunch of individuals acted" or "A group acted".

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No, it's more than that. It's a sloppy shortcut that masks *important* details. It hides the fact that there is coercive interaction going on. Saying something like "Bob doesn't like drugs" is one thing - bob has his own opinion. Saying "society doesn't like drugs" is another - some people in that society may LIKE drugs, even if they are a minority. The serious problem comes in when "society" then DOES THINGS using "society's opinion" as a motivation, or worse, as a justification. The fact that "society likes blue and hates red" doesn't mean people who happen to disagree with the hivemind lose their right to enjoy red.

That said, drugs are only an issue as long as there's a welfare state. If I have to pay for your healthcare then I have a right to tell you what you put in your body.

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False. Two wrongs don't make a right. If I force you to accept a Picasso, do I suddenly have a right to dictate to you how you display it, what security arrangements you must make, etc? It's costing me a lot of money to do this for you!!!
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