Thread: ZMA
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Old 09-14-2007, 11:53 PM
Unoriginalname Unoriginalname is offline
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Default Re: ZMA

I can't figure out the ZMA love here. Does anyone know of a study (that is independent of any affiliations with Victor Conte or anyone else that stands to make a profit from ZMA hype) that shows ZMA actually works? I'm VERY skeptical that this supplement is anything but completely worthless.

The only studies I have seen are ones co-authored by Victor Conte (the developer of ZMA!) and this study, which disagrees with Conte's findings . Although to be fair, that study I just cited only tested ZMA on male, trained athletes, and doesn't comment on how ZMA could affect people with little or no training.

I'm willing to listen to arguments, as I'd love to add another supplement to my regime that I actually think works, but as of this moment, I just don't buy the hype.
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