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Old 09-14-2007, 05:54 PM
Rant Rant is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 80
Default Re: Pot Odds and Flush Draws

You would think that some of the other posters were never beginners. Sheesh! 2p2 has become less and less friendly.

The flop hit me and I had 9 outs (flush draw), and pot odds were 13:1 on the flop, where on the chart should I be looking at to figure out if I should call or fold?

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You probably have more than 9 outs. You are pretty likely to win if an A comes. Anyway, you can look up 9 outs in the bottom of the chart (either side) to get a basic idea of the odds that you will need.

The chart says 4.1:1 with one card to come and 1.9:1 with two cards to come.

You clearly have odds to at least call the flop bet. You are getting 13:1 and you only need 4.1:1 to see one more card.

I would recommend ignoring the 'turn'/'2 cards to come' numbers until you understand the 1 card odds.

Also did I play this hand correctly? Players were pretty loose-passive (had about 30 hands each on them and around 40-60 VPIP). Since I had the 2nd best hand I was worried about someone having it since it was possible because the players were loose. Am I thinking about this the right way? Any comments you guys want to make?

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I agree with the many responses that you should have raised the flop. I'd be raising here more for value than to get a free card. With 5 players still in and a loose table you are unlikely to get the free card. On the flop 3 players have already put in a bet. They are very likely to put in a 2nd bet if you raise. This is good for you because you are likely enough to win this hand that this is a good outcome - you put in 1 extra bet and your opponents put in at least 3 (assuming BB, UTG, and CO call).

You are very, very likely to have the best hand on the river. What beats you? K3, 23, 83, KK, 22, 33, 88. That's not a lot of hands. Only 22, 33, and 88 are likely holdings. No one probably has 22 or 33 because they would have played the hand more aggressively. You should raise the river because you'll get paid by a lesser flush MUCH more often than you'll lose to a full house.

Feel free to PM me if you have more questions and don't want to get flamed by the jacks on this board.
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