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Old 09-14-2007, 07:45 AM
Legislurker Legislurker is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 728
Default Re: Focus on the Family News...

They employ 1205 people? What on earth (or in heaven) do they do? (Apart from banking donations to pay the wages obviously).

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I try to impress this. Modern day evangelical christianity is BIG BUSINESS. These people publish everything. Books, TV shows, movies, Sunday school packets, School texts, radio shows, and anything you can think of. They solicit money in donations as well. Dobson is RICH. They have political organizations as well. They are setting up a dual life structure. Christian this, christian that. They raise kids
who never go to school or the movies or see regulat TV. They are setting up a country within a country that reads the same things, watches the same media, and VOTES the same way. I get bitched at for calling them Nazis, but they want and crave power and uniformity. And they are doing it. Maybe you blue state people don't believe it or see it, but I see it on an everyday basis. They even have destination emigration areas inside the US for you to move to so they can saturate areas with "christian" communities. GWB will not be the end of their political malevolence. Even if numbers are declining and ageing, they are turning out a core of propaganda educated youth and uneducated older people who will vote as they are cajoled from the puplit.
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