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Old 09-14-2007, 12:07 AM
z28dreams z28dreams is offline
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Default Survival question - an idiot needs help


A friend of my roommate's came by today. She's one of those people that have made dozens of bad choices in her life - lives the hippie lifestyle. FWIW, I despise this lifestyle.

Anyway, she shows up - has $15 to her name, no place to live, and wants to crash out here on the couch for a few weeks.

Clearly, I'm not going to let this happen - she's not a friend of mine, and I'm not about to let a random broke acquaintance stay at my place. I don't know anything about her, nor do I think the other 2 roommates would want her here. I don't care if you call me cruel - she's not staying here.

She did just get a job at a restaurant, and will have some money (around $1500) in one week.

Anyway, I'd like to offer her some advice, but I wasn't sure what to recommend as her best options. So, OOT, I ask you, if you were suddenly thrown to the street, with only $15 to your name, what do you do for the following:

(1) Finding a place to live with no current money. What can I recommend here? Some kind of shelter? What kind of temporary housing can people find quickly to hold them over for a few weeks until they get back on their feet?

Staying with family isn't an option for her.

(2) Suppose you have no skills, and only a high school education. What kind of job would you take to get the best combination of pay/benefits/future potential that would get you out of this spot. Some kind of place with tuition reimbursement seems like it might be a good option.

The pressing issue is obviously #1. We're in the DC metro area, FWIW. Ideas?
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