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Old 09-13-2007, 08:41 PM
Siegmund Siegmund is offline
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Default Re: Deconvolve luck from the game?

I agree that it may be an interesting game - the strategy of which will be so different from current poker as to be nearly unrecognizable.

As noted above, you'll be in a position where your decision on the late streets may have relatively little to do with your chance of winning the showdown, and quite a lot to do with how much money you put into the pot on previous streets.

Now, if there's one thing we pound into our heads when we learn poker, it is "once you put the money into the pot, it's not yours anymore." Here you have a game you are guaranteed that a certain quite-possibly-significant chunk of the pot IS yours as long as you stay to the end.

I see waaaaaaaaay more showdowns than in current poker, even in deep-stack NL... completely unplayable at limit, where it becomes an "everyone who sees the flop stays to the end every time" game.

Or did I misunderstand the rules, and you get your share of the early-street pot even if you fold before the end? I don't think you meant that - because if you did, you've just completely wiped out the whole concept of pot odds.
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