Thread: cash or tourny?
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Old 09-13-2007, 05:12 PM
kayaker kayaker is offline
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Default Re: cash or tourny?

OK, since no one else has explicitly stated it yet...

Do not try to earn a living at poker when you are not yet a winning player. You are obviously new (or relatively new) to poker, as you are not able to sustain yourself as a winner. Play for a while and get to where you can win. Then build your bankroll over time to a level where you can peel off a little (not your full expenses, just a little) each week/month and keep your roll intact. Play like this for a little while until you can do it and still build your bank.

Once you get to the point where you're at a level where you can build your bank and still peel off enough to cover your expenses, you're getting close. Get to where you can peel off 120% (or more) of your expenses and still build your roll some. At that point, you can build your roll, have enough to live off of and a little more for side investments to save up for the inevitable bad run. A bad run happens to everyone eventually. By having a solid bankroll and other investments to help, you can make it through the down swings and get back to winning without hurting too much.

As to which is more profitable, cash or tourneys, it really is up to you. Both, when done well and in the right situations, can be very profitable. They can also both be very costly if you don't play well or have a bad run.
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