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Old 09-13-2007, 03:50 PM
metsmaniac823 metsmaniac823 is offline
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Default Re: *** Official August -- October Chatter Thread ***

I made my first ever sports bet(s) today, and I wanted to see what the pros thought. I'm a noob and just doing these for kicks, but I actually think the 5 team ticket has some shot. Anyway, here goes...

Ticket 1: 5 team parlay
bengals -7
staints -3.5
colts -7
cowboys -4
Bears/KC under 34.5

I'm a noob, as I said, but all of these look very solid to me. Colts and Cowboys seem like locks, but wtf do I know. I could see sexy going off for 5 tds or something, which would kind of suck.

Ticket 2: 9 team parlay
All of the above five and...
Rams -3
Pats -3.5
Lions -3
and PICK EM baby taking the pack over the g-men.

Just wondering which of these seems like the best/worst. Any feedback is appreciated.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, good luck. My tip would be to limit parlay bets to $5, or whatever the minimum is for your site, especially if you do anything above 3 or 4 games. They're fun to give you that gambling rush you seem to be craving, since you don't appear to actually want to win money just yet. I had a 6 teamer this past weekend that was 5 for 5 going into Monday Night Football... if it wasn't for Steve "Watch how fast I can throw the ball to the opposition" McNair, I might have finally hit one of these ridickle bets.

As far as your picks go, I think I like them all except Cincy. Then again, what do I know. Good luck!