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Old 09-13-2007, 07:01 AM
Barrin6 Barrin6 is offline
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Default Police Detained me : trip report.

So, it's Wednesday night and Barrin6 is rollin through Newport Beach. My friend and I were walking back to our car around 2am after a party; being the upstanding young citizen that I am, I had a few drinks and my breath bore the fresh aroma of alcohol. Suddenly as we approached our car, a cop car comes out of nowhere behind us and 2 officers jumped out and detained us; the officers ask where we were coming from, and my friend said just said we were just visiting some other friends.

They told us we were being detained blah blah blah, and he searched us for weapons. He asked where I my I.D was, I complied. He asked where I what city am I from, I said xxxx xxxx. Then he's replies back with "xxxx xxxx eh? What are you doing here?" As if I were a [censored] murderer. And at that time I thought "great, should have just kept my mouth shut....."

He reads my I.D and radios the information to HQ, asks me to sit on the curb with my feet out crossed while my friend is in the back seat of the police car getting interrogated by the other officer. And now I'm just sitting there waiting on the curb. And the whole time I knew this was some [censored] waiting game.

He asks me what street my friends were on, as well as random stuff like "what are you doing here" and "what is your purpose." I kept my mouth shut and didn't comply, since OOT taught me that shutting the [censored] up is the right play in these situations. At the time I thought answering these questions won't make the situation better anyways.

Later, another cop car comes with 2 more officers. The officers told the others who just came to search the cars nearby just to check if we have broken into any of cars and stolen anything. They had us on suspicion that we were breaking into cars. lol?

While that's happening my friend is telling them everything, where we came from, what for, etc. And he also allowed the officers to search his car... sighhhh. I told him later to make them go back to the station for a search warrant. Make their lives hell. While that's happening I just smirked at my friend since the officers are just wasting their time.

As time goes by, they run some searches on our records, the officers get more and more agitated. They asks me stuff like what's my home number and cell number. At first I didn't answer; then the officer repeats the question like 30 seconds later. I replied back "What does this have to do with what's going on?"

Officer: "Just need your contact info"

At this point I thought whatevers, and just gave them that info and he writes it down on this pink small notecard. Don't know if that was the correct play.

Then there's some more waiting on the curb. I was trying to hold back my smiling since the officers were just wasting their [censored] time and getting agitated but also at the same time I had to admit I was kind of scared since I didn't want them to book me on underage drinking. Didn't really know if I could get in trouble for that at the time. I wasn't drunk at all though.

Then the other officer comes up and does the pen test where he tells me to have my eyes follow the pen. I did that and pass. Didn't drink alot just to note.

So now they get my friend out of the car and have him sit out on the curb next to me. The officer asks him a couple questions as if we were already convicted of murder. The whole time they are treating us as we were the scum of the earth. At this time, I was thinking "God, when will they stop wasting their time. This is so funny, they're going to let us go anyways"

Then they asked me to move further down the curb seperating me and my friend. Again this time, one officer tries to intimidate me. He did stuff like this all in a harsh tone:

"Do you know what we do? We arrest crooks, not kids. Are you a crook? I know you aren't drunk. Just tell us why you are here. You are making things more difficult since you aren't answering. You are very suspicious."

"Do you hate cops?" <--- funny question since I do kinda work along with cops in Irvine for my part time job.

And they did the tactic where he tells my friend in front of me that I'm making stuff difficult. That I'm the #1 main suspect. (yea right, bullllshitttt. I couldn't help but smile when he said that.) I wanted to act like a smartass the whole time but I knew if I talked my breath would had given away that I dranked. But I guess it's good I kept my mouth shut since I think my smart ass talk would had landed me in deeper [censored].

All the while, I just sat there smiling and not making eye contact. I felt like I was Jim Halpert from the Office the whole time, just smirking.

Then one of the officer, crouches next to me and gets into the side of my face and said "I don't want to see you in my city, ever again." (as if he owns it.LOL) and all this other nonsense stuff about how he thinks I'm a scum.

Then he hands me my wallet and I.D and says "beat it." At this point, I'm thinking in my head. HAHA suckas! Before I got into the car, I said have a nice night... and we drove off...

But the real beat is that they switched my friend's I.D and mines , and I didn't realize that until I got home. Oh well.. back to Newport tommorow. So this whole shin-dig took like half hour.

Well anyways, the only things I really answered too were that I went to UCI, part time job, I'm 19, friends' house and my phone number and city. I probably left out some questions where they asked me some bogus question which I ignored that had nothing to do with me. Overall I think I might of acted too much of a smartass. But what's your take?

Oh and funny thing, I saw another one of my friend walking back home, and one of the officers asked if he knew me. He said no and kept walking.

Overall I think this whole situation was hilarious.

Oh and thank goofyballer for editing this and making it readable.
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