Thread: Going Pro
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Old 09-13-2007, 03:51 AM
furyion21 furyion21 is offline
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Default Re: Going Pro

I would say that it depends on your feelings towards poker more than your winrate, assuming your winrate is atleast positive; seeing as you're 12tabling, I'm going to guess it is.

The questions you should ask yourself are:
1. Do I enjoy poker more than other jobs?
2. Will I enjoy poker in the years to come?
3. How will being a pro affect other areas of my life?
4. Can I do the things I want to do at this winrate?

Number one is a fairly easy decision. I don't know too many people who don't enjoy poker but play professionally.

2 is a little tougher. Yes, Holdem is a fun, intricate game. But if you're multitabling 100FR, after a while it will get repetitive (if it hasn't already). You'll have the same easy decisions, with marginal/interesting decisions cropping up every so often. You probably won't improve your game tremendously just by multitabling.

3 is definitely the trickiest of all. If you're an internet pro, how much do you experience outside of the office in a regular day? If you're fine with lower social interaction than other potential jobs, then it's no problem.

4 is pretty basic. If you're an absolute crushjob, and the money you make is enough to do what you want to do, then that works.

This is all coming from a business student with no intention of going pro. It's just the questions I'd ask myself if I were to start any job. Take my advice with two grains of salt.
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