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Old 09-12-2007, 11:25 PM
BigLawMonies BigLawMonies is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 22
Default Re: BBV, Please share ur knowledge on how to get girl friends

Tiger_Hall is mostly right - Come up with something to talk about, then introduce yourself and start on that topic.

Like, "hey i love that watercolor of your vag. The mix of red and pink is perfect. Did you come up with the idea for that playing with yourself in front of a mirror or did Mr. Pedobear suggest it?"

Pay attention to what she says and pretend you are really [censored] interested and ask follow up questions, etc.

DO NOT TRY TO GRIMM HER - do not ask her to do tons of [censored] right away. Just say you enjoyed talking to her (make up a reason) and ask her to hang out after school or on the weekend, maybe get something to eat.

If that works out, then start doing stuff where you are more private, i.e. hanging out at one of your houses, movies, whatever, and go from there.

DO NOT MAKE A BIG DEAL OUT OF ANYTHING. Asking her to kiss/touch her is a [censored] donk move. Just pay attention to her body language and [censored] do it if you want to. Being aggressive gives you two ways to win - she can want it or she can just let you because she is indecisive. DO NOT HELLMUTH THE SITUATION - DO NOT TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING, JUST [censored] DO IT.

Eventually siihp.

You'll probably get shot down but that's ok, just move on to the next.

This is gonna sound really [censored] gay but [censored] it - It's like poker, you have to start playing hands and getting [censored] beat until you get a 'table feel' and you get comfortable playing.

If she ignores you then punch her in the face until she pays attention. Then siihp.
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