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Old 09-12-2007, 10:54 PM
TiK TiK is offline
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Default Re: 5-6 year old soccer play--- bad form or good plan?

Stagger, reno, and others:

Try this technique. Any kid who scores gets an extra Capri Sun. Any kid who doesn't follow instructions gets to sit on the sidelines and watch and gets no oranges or Capri Sun. You'll have a team of winners in no time flat.

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I think this sucks. If you had kids you'd probably be one of those a-hole parents yelling at the refs during games.

I'm a parent, and I've coached soccer, little league baseball and basketball to ages 6-12, in both competitive and non-competitive leagues. By and large the competitive leagues sucked. Little league was horrific! A-hole coaches, a-hole parents.. the kids just wanted to play ball and have fun, but too many parents were trying their best to ruin the experiences for everyone.

Young children don't need to learn they are "losers" at this age. There will be plenty of opportunities soon enuf for the kids to learn that life sucks. There are lots of positive experiences to be had from a non-competitive sports league... It doesn't always have to be about winning is the only thing that matters and the losers don't get snacks.

Stay single Diablo.


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Easy there homey. I suspect Diablo was kidding. Come on, he's talking about Capri Suns.

Anyway, when do you think kids should learn how to cope with loss? You say "young children don't need to learn they are "losers" at this age," because "there will be plenty of opportunities soon enuf." If this is the case, shouldn't they especially be prepared to handle it when they're young, when things don't really count?
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