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Old 09-12-2007, 08:12 PM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Politicians For and Against Online Poker, August 29, 2007

One more current Republican Senate seat in trouble....

Warner announcing Senate run

Former Virginia governor Mark Warner (D) will announce that he will be running for the Senate tomorrow morning, according to two sources familiar with Warner's thinking.

“He’s been weighing his options very heavily, and he feels like the biggest challenge for him right now is in the Senate,” a source close to Warner told the Politico.

He will not be making a public announcement tomorrow, only sending his e-mail announcement to supporters tomorrow morning informing them of his decision to run for the Senate.

Warner’s entry in the race gives the Democrats a golden opportunity to capture a Senate seat that has been in GOP hands for the past three decades. In his 2001 race for governor, Warner not only won the vote-rich Northern Virginia suburbs by large margins, but also carried traditionally Republican strongholds in rural Southwest Virginia.

Democrats had been heavily recruiting Warner to run for the Senate seat, as he mulled between that and running for governor again in 2009. They are hoping he can repeat his political success at the Congressional level in a state that has been trending Democratic in recent years.
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