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Old 09-12-2007, 06:21 PM
HonestRyan HonestRyan is offline
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Default Re: The movement to remove shortstackers!!!

back in the day you could buy into sites for 10bbs. then the movement towards 20bbs was the norm. now people want 50bbs to be the minimum. here is my take on strategeries and games.

Poker is a strategy game just like any other strategy game. different players are gonna choose different strategies that match their personalities. Just like any other game there will be ways to combat such strategies.
in chess you have things like the sicilian, kings indian, caro-kann and the french defense. During each strategies hayday it may have been considered unbeatable, but it was never banned.

The only time a strategy should be banned from play is when you are put into a situation where you have to either employ that strategy or lose. Back when i use to play professional magic this kinda thing happened every 3 months, and bannings would go across the board and people would come up with new strategys, and the game would be balanced again. I have been in videogame tournaments where they outlawed certain Characters because they were so powerful that you could not beat them unless u were playing the same unbeateable character. now in these 2 situations it is proper to ban a certain strategy to create a balance in the game.

In poker shortstacking is not a overly powerful strategy. if there are only 1 or 2 players doing it for every 9 players, then that is not ruining games. second of all, 99% of shortstackers play like %%%% and dont understand the idea/concepts behind the strategy. the best short stackers play near a 9/9 style and in the long run make about as much as a typical full buyin TAG who belongs at their respective level. and IMO it is unwise to let the elitist few in poker make decisions to basically ban a strategy because it it affects the way they want to play. whats gonna happen in the future when people complain about all the tight players? ban people from playing tight!?!?

you may stop the top 50 SSers from making money, but lose the other 9,950 losing players who try and fail miserably at successfully shortstacking.
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