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Old 09-12-2007, 02:18 PM
badonkadonk badonkadonk is offline
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Location: Madison, WI
Posts: 60
Default Re: I have decided to buy a Wii!

i've never played but i'd imagine that it's probably fairly easy to just play left handed by looking at the guitar. not sure how much you need to use that whammy bar and if that would make it difficult, but in terms of just buttons it should be no problem.
i also imagine if it was a problem it wouldn't take too long to get used to.
i'm a southpaw as well, i never play guitar, but whenever i pick one up, i grab it left-handed by default until someone corrects me. not that it really matters because i suck anyways, but unless you play lots of guitar and always play lefty, i don't imagine it would be hard to learn to play right-handed.
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