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Old 09-12-2007, 02:01 PM
gordo16 gordo16 is offline
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Default Re: deep river spot with \"obvious\" aces $10-$20

I think that the turn check in this spot is correct. Remember, this is deep stacked. Given the pre-flop action, is painfully obvious that Hero has AAxx. Unless Hero bets out close to the pot size here (a reasonable bet with a AA2x or AA45 for the turned straight), which few players have the balls to do, a good player, which I guess we can just for the sake of argument assume that the deep villain is given his stack size, will check-raise a continue-bet on the turn with anything... be it a draw, flopped trips, flopped boat, complete air, etc.. In fact, I think that the check behind on the turn is the smarter play because if the river is not a heart, Hero can at least re-examine the hand when faced with a bet from the villain and take whatever read he has gathered from there. A check-raise on the turn, however, obviously gets the Hero out of the hand. Again, insta-potting with AAxx with deep stacks at the table is not a great play IMO; it leaves your hand essentially face up and almost always puts you to a tough decision somewhere in the hand.
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