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Old 09-12-2007, 09:49 AM
jstill jstill is offline
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Default Re: Player perception

this comes up a lot obviously... the first thing to know is that most everyone thinks everyone else sucks... secondly bad players make almost the exact same bad players vs tight players as other loose players ( improperly adjusting since they suck).

the best way to handle this situation more or less is to make correct decisions in a vacuum and be aware of what you've done at the table and specifically against certain opponents. Most importantly knowing who is adjusting and what they are being conditioned to respond like in certain spots. SOme guys will adjust quickly some never will, if you assume they will adjust to your tight or loose image and they havent you'll be in trouble and vice versa, this is a tough skill to teach or even talk about, this is largely whats known as "feel" or metagame, even though some players improperly apply those terms.

SO be aware of your image but dont do things because of it that are generally things you wouldnt think were good plays ie bluffing bad players, except in what would normally be good spots for it. So basically just make good decisions each time and be aware of your image.

That said having a wide range in most all spots is important, they we need play far from the unexploitable optimal vs 99%+ of players. U do want to be raising 3betting as many hands as you think u profitably can though and c betting bluff semi bluff raising cr'ing when you believe it is profitable SO your image is one where they cant know what your actions mean exactly about your holdings (ie they can always fold when u bet always bet when u ck ect), this way you get paid off lighter pre and postflop raising 3betting alot pre and betting/ raising many hands postflop
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