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Old 09-12-2007, 08:57 AM
TenFiftyFour TenFiftyFour is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: NJ
Posts: 35
Default Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...

I had to call once. A few years back I was playing with my little sister who was 2 at the time. She was laying on the floor and the rest of my family was in the room. She is on her back and I'm making her laugh pretty hard doing something silly. Then I notice shes turning red. At first I thought it was just from laughing. Then I realize she's not breathing. My mom sees this too and enters panic mode. I call 911 as mom goes through the procedure to see if she's choking. Within seconds I hear the ambulance on the street behind my house (station is right there). At this point my sister's lips are turning blue and my mom is fully freaking out. Then, just as the EMTs rush in, my sister lets out a few coughs and begins to breathe again. They take her to the hospital for some tests and find nothing wrong. The consensus is that she choked on saliva from laughing while laying down. Major relief.
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